The story revolves around Bauua Singh (Shah Rukh Khan), a vertically challenged man, who is full of charm and wit, with a pinch of arrogance. Born to a wealthy family and raised in an environment of affluence and indulgence, Bauua was never failed by Meerut or its people. But when he meets two women (Katrina Kaif, Anushka Sharma), his experiences with these women take him on a journey to complete his ‘incompleteness’ and broaden his horizons to find a purpose he never knew he had.
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Tag Archives: Drama
Nobodys Fool 2018 720p BluRay x264-TFPDL
Danica is a successful worker at a marketing firm, and has been in a relationship with “Charlie”, a man she met online a year ago but has never seen in real life. When she is sent to go pick up her recently-paroled sister Tanya from prison, her mother also tells Danica that Tanya must stay at her house. Tanya is amazed by Danica’s apartment, and discovers that Danica’s ex-fiance Bailey left her for another woman. Tanya thinks Danica is being cat-fished since she never see Charlie. The next day, Tanya and Danica stops by the Brown Bean, a coffee shop next to Danica’s work. Frank, the owner of the shop who has a crush on Danica, insists that he will let Tanya work at the shop. When Danica goes to pick up Tanya from work that night she accidentally walks in an AA meeting that is being held in the store and overhears that Frank use to abuse alcohol and discover that he was in jail for seven years..
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August Falls 2017 720p WEBRip x264-TFPDL
A late night phone call wakes Anna Ellison from sleep. It’s the news every parent dreads: her 20-year-old son, August, has fallen from a high window. A powerful, haunting mystery, August Falls tells the story of one woman’s struggle to find the truth behind her son’s disturbing death. Traveling to the city where the tragic event occurred, Anna must unravel the surprising circumstances of her son’s life as she pieces together the reason for its brutal end. The police, concluding that his fatality was a suicide, offer little solace. Attempting to make sense of the loss of her only child and grappling with feelings of guilt for their estrangement, she takes up in August’s old apartment. There she meets Jonas, the building’s superintendent. Though guarded at first, Jonas is able to form a tentative bond with Anna, a shared longing for love and company in a world that feels strangely desolate. Soon Anna comes to believe that August’s demise was not the suicide the jaded police maintain. …
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Barbecue Dragon 2018 JAPANESE 720p BluRay x264-TFPDL
it is the 1970s and Yong Gil has immigrated to Japan from South Korea and operates a barbecue restaurant. He also operates a wife and three daughters. The daughters are a drama unto themselves when it comes to men with feelings as volatile as a tank of estrogen. What is worse is that the three girls are sometimes in love with married men and married men married to the other sister.
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After the Rain 2018 JAPANESE 720p BluRay x264-TFPDL
A younger woman who has lost something within herself and feels she is falling behind falls in love with an older man who has also lost in life and becomes divorced among other issues. Like all love it is about needs, wants and compensating, but matters are complicated because the young employee also works for the man.
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Then Came You 2019 480p WEB-DL x264-TFPDL
A hypochondriac working as an airport baggage handler is forced to confront his fears when a British teenager with a terminal illness enlists him to help her carry out her eccentric bucket list.
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Rock Steady Row 2019 480p WEB-DL x264-TFPDL
Rock Steady Row centers around a young college freshman who, after his bike is stolen, lands on a college campus and is compelled to take action against the reigning fraternities and ultimately the dean.
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Rock Steady Row 2019 720p WEB-DL x264-TFPDL
Rock Steady Row centers around a young college freshman who, after his bike is stolen, lands on a college campus and is compelled to take action against the reigning fraternities and ultimately the dean.
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