The drama-comedy tells the story of Setsuko Kawashima (Terajima), a lonely, chain-smoking office lady in Tokyo who is past her prime. After deciding to take an English class, she discovers a new identity in her American alter ego, ‘Lucy,’ and falls for her instructor, John (Hartnett). When John suddenly disappears, Setsuko earnestly sets out on a quest to find him, eventually leading her to the outskirts of Southern California.
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Tag Archives: Comedy
Oh Lucy 2017 720p WEB-DL x264-TFPDL
The drama-comedy tells the story of Setsuko Kawashima (Terajima), a lonely, chain-smoking office lady in Tokyo who is past her prime. After deciding to take an English class, she discovers a new identity in her American alter ego, ‘Lucy,’ and falls for her instructor, John (Hartnett). When John suddenly disappears, Setsuko earnestly sets out on a quest to find him, eventually leading her to the outskirts of Southern California.
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Sherlock Gnomes 2018 480p BluRay x264-TFPDL
Garden gnomes, Gnomeo & Juliet, recruit renowned detective Sherlock Gnomes to investigate the mysterious disappearance of other garden ornaments.
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Sherlock Gnomes 2018 720p BluRay x264-TFPDL
Garden gnomes, Gnomeo & Juliet, recruit renowned detective Sherlock Gnomes to investigate the mysterious disappearance of other garden ornaments.
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Love Simon 2018 1080p BluRay DD5.1 x265 HEVC-TFPDL
A young coming-of-age tale about a teenage boy, Simon Spier, goes through a different kind of Romeo and Juliet story. Simon has a love connection with a boy, Blue, by email, but the only problem is that Simon has no idea who he’s talking to. Simon must discover who that boy is–who Blue is. Along the way, he tries to find himself as well.
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Love Simon 2018 720p BluRay x264-TFPDL
A young coming-of-age tale about a teenage boy, Simon Spier, goes through a different kind of Romeo and Juliet story. Simon has a love connection with a boy, Blue, by email, but the only problem is that Simon has no idea who he’s talking to. Simon must discover who that boy is–who Blue is. Along the way, he tries to find himself as well.
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The Last Recipe 2017 JAPANESE 720p BluRay x264-TFPDL
Sasaki-san is a superlative cook who is on auto-control and can make wondrous meals with nary a thought anymore. In a literal case of last wish on earth, he receives a special request to cook a specific dish. The catch is he needs to discover the recipe of famed chef Yamagata who was in occupied Manchuria in China in the 1930s.
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Social Animals 2018 480p WEBRip x264-TFPDL
Zoe (Noel Wells) is stalled, stoned, broke and stuck in a series of one night stands. While salvaging her failing business, she falls in love for the first time with Paul (Josh Radnor). There’s one problem, Paul is married to Jane. Through inspirations only Austin could provide, Zoe learns what “adulting” really means.
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